CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-06-22Location: R3D4CT3DTLDR : Eat your space vegitables It’s amazing what you can sometimes come across when you are not paying attention.Read More
CMDR : OverstearLocation: Alpha Centauri, 2042 L1Date: 3306-07-14TLDR : While searching the moon for materials, CMDR Overstear came across a new sort of scanner blipRead More
CMDR : Overstear and Waric in wingLocation: HR 1183, near Arc’s FaithDate: 3306-06-28TLDR : After having bravely fought off a handful of Thargoid scouts andRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-05-23Location: R3D4CT3DTLDR : There is two ways to mine: the cramped, dirty and dusty way, or the basking in luxurious leatherRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-02-22Location: Lembas A 1TLDR : Timing is everything The fight had obviously been going on for a while, but the ThargoidRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-02-19Location: EvangelisTLDR : N.A. This is one of the reasons why humanity fights the Thargoid: payback. They attack our stations andRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-01-30Location: HIP 17403 A 4 ATLDR : We descend down to the surface of the body to investigate a Thargoid signalRead More