CMDR : OverstearDate : 3306-01-28Location: Electra 4, Cavalieri stationTLDR : Approach and landing at damaged station Cavalieri We knew it was bad but had noRead More
CMDR : Overstear and WaricDate : 3306-01-10Location: Oephairb SE-C C15-44TLDR : CMDR Waric honing his docking skills
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3305-07-27Location: UndisclosedTLDR : What an Anaconda looks like, after a commander slams it into a planet -way_ too hard. 11% hullRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3305-06-20Location: R3D4CT3DTLDR : Trying to scan a PO1-Type anomaly has some unexpected side-effects. Coming across these stellar phenomanon is always somethingRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3304-10-11Location: Merope 3TLDR : Close encounterWhen reponding to a distress call, CMDR Overstear quickly finds out the cause: Thargoids. While heRead More
CMDR : OverstearDate : 3304-10-02Location: Parise StationTLDR : Systems offline
There is a fairly safe way to become (more) proficient in combat, which is by doing bounty hunting in resource extraction sites (RES). What itRead More